Tickets were a hot commodity in our little corner of the world, let me tell you! (We're talking lines for tickets, sales of first-borns, you name it.) But everybody was amazingly behaved Monday night as they headed into Presser Hall at Agnes Scott (the only nearby venue large enough to handle the crowd - this photo doesn't begin to do it justice). Here we are winding our way in...
And my poor attempt at getting a shot of him onstage (no flash allowed)...
And truly, the original plan was to stick around and get him to sign some of our books (a Sandman comic, the PB The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish, Anansi Boys, and Odd and the Frost Giants). But man o' man.
But gads, it was great to see him - seems like a normal guy - with a fantastic talent. And I am SO PROUD of my bookstore!! Diane and Dave and all the rest - you ROCK OUR WORLD!!!!
Wow, my hat is off to the Little Shop of Stories - I wish I could've gone! I hope Neil realizes what a treat his visits are...
Wow, I SO wish I coulda been there! Can't wait to hear in more detail what he said, etc.
I'm sure he does, but at the same time it had to have been an incredible physical drain on him. I mean - signing for six hours? Being ON that entire time? I bet he won't be able to smile... or write!... for a week at least! Gads,
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