VIDEOS: A miss-mash of fun videos from the week

Need some uplifting music? This has been floating around at the University of Glasgow:

"Stay The !@#* At Home" by Samuel L. Jackson

Wash your hands - Bollywood style... This charming article from the BBC talks about how cultures around the world are adjusting to life with Coved-19. But what I enjoyed most about it was the link to this video of police from the Kerala Police Department in India teaching locals about washing their hands - with a Bollywood dance. Click the image to watch at BBC:
Meanwhile, in Scotland, these brilliant guys came up with a #CovidCaleigh.

I don't know about you, but I have loved the videos being shared by the various aquariums around the country of their residents getting out and about. Here's a sweet one of a sea lion going on a grand adventure. Click the image to watch on Bored Panda.

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