You knew it was only a matter of time. And what a rockin' awesome bookmobile a 1959 Airstream makes! The Mobilivre was based in Quebec, but stopped operation in 2008. Y'all need to argue for a comeback tour!
Thanks to Webecoist for the heads up and more great pictures of odd buildings and vehicles that have been transformed into bookstores and libraries! Also thanks to poetic home for the original post and pictures: An Airstream Ingeniously Repurposed into a Library.
I remember our neighborhood book mobile when I was little!! That's where my love affair with books began. I wish they still head them. ~jeni :)
SuWEET! I so remember our book mobile. Loved walking into that small space loaded with books for me to pick out. Thanks for the pic!
That is so cool! Man, it would garner some serious attention driving around my chicago neighborhood LOL!
Beautiful! It does kind of make books retro, though. Which may be the way we're headed. . . . Cool! thanks for the post!
Oh my lord. I want to buy the Airstream library. I love it! Thank you for sharing this. Fabulous. Hmmm...from what could I make a little library? A.
Oh, I love it! Thanks for posting it, and for the link to the other bookstore/library adaptations. Too fun.
I knew you guys would flip over this as much as I did. It's a tribe thing... :) e
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