Don draws beautiful, yet creepy art on post-it notes. His illustrations would be amazing full size, but when you consider the small area he works on, they become even more amazing. Truly worth checking out his collection at Don Kenn Gallery. There are also some really nice pieces of Don's work at Escape Into Life.
Thanks to Fuse #8 for the link.
Ooo, I just found an animation he did too!
Said the Shark - True Love from Kim Oxlund on Vimeo.
Music video for Said the Shark's True Love from Silly Killings. Story and animation by John Kenn Mortensen.
Thanks to S.J. Petruccio!
That is amazing! What a great find. Thanks for sharing!
This guy is, in four words: IN CRED DIB LE! (Hm. Is "le" even a word? No matter, I think you get my drift. I thank you (and Fuse #8) for the link!
Creepily amazing!
WOW!! What an artist - to create
on post it notes is hard to imagine
and to create the tiny people is
absolutely incredible!! Thanks
for sharing.
I'm in awe too! :) e
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